Are you a budding entrepreneur or do you have a business idea but are unsure of whether it's viable? Alternatively, you might be looking at buying a franchise or unsure whether to buy an existing business as opposed to starting one from scratch and not have the experience to decide. Either way, you will probably very sensibly wish to keep your costs down until you are more certain that your business will fly. To help you, we won't charge you for the initial advice we provide until your business plans are more certain, or alternatively, we will agree a fee structure with you in advance that allows for the business not going ahead.

We have many years experience in business start-ups and can help you with:

  • Due diligence and what to look out for when buying a business
  • Business valuations and establishing the true profitability of a business
  • Return on investment calculations
  • Negotiating with the vendors and/or their advisers
  • The viability of vendor-financing or deferred purchase terms
  • Agreeing heads of terms with the vendor
  • Choosing a legal adviser
  • Break-even points
  • Business planning
  • Recruitment and HR
  • Financial forecasting

We would much rather give honest and objective advice than take on a client for short-term gain even if that means frustrating your business plans.

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